Loistava, candleholder.


Harri Koskinen, Finland 2011.


Material: Coloured glas.

Colours: Red, smokey grey, purple, blue and yellow.

Size: Ø11 x H.9 cm

Loistava candleholder by Harri Koskinen brings light and warmth to the darkest seasons with its iconic-like glow created by overlapping glass surfaces. The multidimensional design creates indeed a fascinating ambiance – altogether in five different colour ways. Btw. "Loistava" is finnish and it means "glowing" or "shining".


Discontiuned and sold out!

Loistava, a series of candle holders made of glass in various colours. Designed by Harri Koskinen 2011 and produced by Marimekko.

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